How To Get To Malacca From Singapore

How To Get To Malacca From Singapore

What do you get when you combined mouth-watering cuisine and architectural ruins? You’ll get Malacca, a town full of wonder! Dubbed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site from 2008, Malacca’s rich culture and historical background has been documented. The history dates way back from the ethnic Chinese-Malays to the Portuguese, Dutch and the British. This…

9 Places To Buy Souvenirs In Jonker Street

9 Best Places To Buy Souvenirs At Jonker Street

Planning to buy some souvenirs for your loved ones after a wonderful vacation at Malacca but don’t know where to go? This article gonna help you a lot! To make your souvenirs shopping experience less hassle, we’ve find you the most sought-after souvenirs shop near the Jonker Street. In this way, you don’t need to…

Malacca attractions that are definitely worth to visit when travel to Malacca!

18 Malacca Attractions You Probably Didn’t Know About

Whether is your first time or you’ve been here countless times. Malacca will make you fall in love all over again with its unique blend of ancient buildings and modern living alongside breathtaking sights! Malacca is a famous tourist destination with a rich cultural heritage, subsequent to the colonial rule of Portuguese, Dutch and British. Traditional…

Top 11 Hotels In Jonker Street

Top 11 Hotels In Jonker Street (Travellers Recommend List)

Planning a perfect holiday to Malacca but getting a big headache because of the accommodation problems? We’ve listed out the ideal accommodations in Jonker Street for you! Staying over here is the best of all because most of the Malacca attractions and local eateries are just within walking distance! Especially on Friday and Saturday night,…